Lets get one thing straight, I bloody hate diets but unfortunately they have become a necessary evil to myself and many others. I can blame my corpulence on many things, some of which genuinely affect my physique and some that are the feeblest of justifications. Indolence, knackered thyroid, love of all things savoury, sedentary occupation and the fact that I live to eat rather than eat to live are just a few of the many excuses I've used over the years.
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Mmmmm... |
I've done Slimmers World and Weight Watchers both of whom are laudable organisations that provide support and dietary regimes that work if you are strong enough to stick at it. But like many people I'm a slider. My dedication to the cause of a slimmer-self starts well but fades as the weeks pass and the little treats increase. Two or three months in and the weigh-ins become a chore and the meetings a bind.
And then there's 'cutting back' and self-discipline. Neither of which work for me or many others. Temptation comes in many forms, almost all of which are impossible to resist. True happiness can be found on a Curry restaurant menu and measured by the number of side dishes ordered, no point in going out for a ruby and resisting temptation is there?
So what is the BBC diet? Not sure that I really know to be honest and I have very little idea if it'll be effective. The basic premise is that you don't eat or drink anything (within reason) that begins with the letters B or C. Biscuits, bread, beer and baguettes. Crisps, cakes, chips and cream horns. I would like to point out that according to my research the original spelling is Kurry.
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Lovely Jubbly |
To go along with this reduction of all things pleasant from my intake I will of course be taking some exercise. The bicycle that I purchased last year has been dusted off and lubricated to within an inch of its life and I have decided that its okay to ride even if he there is no wind and the temperature is not in the mid sixties. The daily dog walk will of course continue and may even be lengthened.
Anyway, there will be no target setting this time. Nothing to aim for besides a slimmer, fitter me that feels a bit better about himself and doesn't automatically head to the XXL section of a clothing store. Doubtless I'll fall off the wagon or get bored with the lack of spicy snacks but I'll give it a try anyway.
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